The film is scheduled for release on 28 October 2016. On 6 February at the India Conference at Harvard, Johar revealed that in the film Kapoor plays the character of a Hindu boy, Aayan, and Sharma plays a Muslim girl, Alizeh. It will be the first time that Aishwarya, 41, will share screen space with Ranbir, 32, and Anushka. Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has a story line based on relationships and heartbreaks. His last movie was Student of the Year in 2012, which starred SidharthMalhotra, VarunDhawan and Alia Bhatt. K Jo is returning to the director's chair after a gap of three years. It is being said that Lisa Haydon and Kajol also have a small role in the film. It features Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai, Anushka Sharma and Fawad Khan in lead roles. Ae Dil Hai Mushkil is a 2016 romantic drama film written, directed and produced by Karan Johar.